Sri Ayurveda

Simple Life Style changes for A Healthy Life

Ayurveda emphasizes more about food, daily routines, exercise, and positive attitudes. Small changes in your life style can make a big difference your health. The simplest methods for maintaining a healthy life are:

  • Eat when you are hungry i.e, take your next meal only after the previous meal is digested.
  • Take food that is suitable to you and moderately. Do not overeat.
  • Always use seasonally grown vegetables and fruits.
  • Don’t eat or drink anything which is cold. Always bring them to room temperature before you eat/drink.
  • Don’t eat curd. Use and drink butter milk (Laban).
  • In the night go to bed only 2 hours after taking of food.
  • Be active – Don’t be in one position for a long time. Keep moving. Keep walking.
  • Look at your posture when you are working and keep changing the posture frequently.
  • Do everything in moderation. Do not exercise more or less. Do not sleep more or less.
  • Do not initiate the natural urges by force or do not hold on to them when they are urgent. The examples of natural urges are urination, bowel movement, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc
  • Discard or control anger, greed, arrogance, jealousy, hatred, fear, lust and many such bad emotions. If not discarded or controlled, they spread all over the body, giving rise to anxiety, delusion, restlessness, depression, etc.



+1 647 984 9995

Sri Ayurveda
Herbal Healing Centre, 
8, Pioneer drive,
Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 1G9, CANADA